
The mediating roles of pro-commitment to learning and adaptability to technological change: professional experience portfolio toward employee performance


To overcome the problem of declining performance, organizations need a variety of professional experience portfolio and strong pro-commitment to learning in addition to the need for employees to adapt to various changes, especially technological changes. Adopting the role of organizational learning theory and human capital, this study aims to analyse the pro-commitment to learning and adaptability to change whether it is able to mediate the influence of the professional experience portfolio on employee performance. The sample of this research consists of the managers and supervisors at PT POS Region VI in Indonesia. Using stratified random sampling, this research sample involves 223 participants. Research data were analysed using Equation Model (SEM). The results show that there are positive and significant influences of all of the variables studied, except for the direct effect of the professional experience portfolio on employee performance. Thus, the role of pro-commitment to learning mediation and adaptability to technological change are fully mediating variables on the effect of professional experience portfolio toward employee performance. It takes an appropriate linear and crossfield experience for managers and supervisors to increase innovative new opportunities through strength of commitment to learning and readiness in encountering technological changes so that companies can survive amidst sharp competition.

Keyword : experience, pro-commitment to learning, adaptability, performance

How to Cite
Wulandari, F., Dwiatmadja, C., & Imronudin. (2020). The mediating roles of pro-commitment to learning and adaptability to technological change: professional experience portfolio toward employee performance. Business: Theory and Practice, 21(2), 859-868.
Published in Issue
Dec 22, 2020
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