Business: Theory and Practice <p>Business: Theory and Practice&nbsp;publishes original research, reviews and case studies on all areas of strategic management and organizational behaviour.</p> Vilnius Gediminas Technical University en-US Business: Theory and Practice 1648-0627 <p>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms</p> <ul> <li>that this article contains no violation of any existing copyright or other third party right or any material of a libelous, confidential, or otherwise unlawful nature, and that I will indemnify and keep indemnified the Editor and THE PUBLISHER against all claims and expenses (including legal costs and expenses) arising from any breach of this warranty and the other warranties on my behalf in this agreement;</li> <li>that I have obtained permission for and acknowledged the source of any illustrations, diagrams or other material included in the article of which I am not the copyright owner.</li> <li>on behalf of any co-authors, I agree to this work being published in Creativity Studies as&nbsp;Open Access, and licenced under a Creative Commons Licence, 4.0 <a href=""></a>. This licence allows for the fullest distribution and re-use of the work for the benefit of scholarly information.</li> </ul> <p>For authors that are not copyright owners in the work (for example government employees), please <a href="">contact VILNIUS TECH </a>to make alternative agreements.</p> Assessing the commercial potential of high-tech production business targets in risk-generated innovation economies using fuzzy set methods <p>The purpose of the article is to develop a methodology that will make it possible to use attitudes and expressions of professional language to the maximum extent when selecting business goals of high-tech entrepreneurship during the development, production and sale of the latest products and to reduce the sensitivity of the assessment to small deviations of the factors and increase its reliability. It is proven that the proposed method allows to use the attitude and expression of professional language to the maximum when choosing a business goal. At the same time, the sensitivity of the assessment to small deviations of the factors decreases, and the reliability increases. It has been investigated and established that when using fuzzy methods in the decision-making process in high-tech production, unlike the existing ones, there is an opportunity to actively use fuzzy estimates and different points of view of people who carry out planning or decision-making, as well as fuzzy information expressed in words.</p> Olha Ilyash Vitaliy Zakharchenko Svitlana Yermak Larysa Frolova Glib Mazhara Liubov Smoliar Copyright (c) 2025 The Author(s). Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. 2025-01-09 2025-01-09 26 1 1–16 1–16 10.3846/btp.2025.20922 Impact of physical vanity, achievement vanity and brand equity on the consumption of luxury skincare products <p>The aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of physical Vanity, achievement vanity, and brand equity on luxury consumption in the skincare industry, considering the promising US$13.9 billion beauty and personal care market in India, as estimated by Euromonitor International. Data were collected from 200 male and female participants in the National Capital Region of Delhi, India, belonging to various geographic groups and income levels. Confirmatory factor analysis was utilized to assess the relationship between observed and latent variables, while regression analysis was employed to determine the impact of physical Vanity, achievement vanity, and brand equity on luxury consumption. The study reveals that physical Vanity, achievement vanity, and brand equity positively affect luxury product consumption, with brand equity having the most significant impact. The associations between luxury consumption and physical Vanity, achievement vanity, and brand equity were found to be statistically meaningful. The findings offer valuable insights for skincare market marketers, allowing them to identify opportunities and strategize to capture untapped markets in the country. Additionally, the results enable them to understand the relative influence of the three factors – physical Vanity, achievement vanity, and brand equity – on luxury consumption. This research contributes to the understanding of the positive effects of physical Vanity, achievement vanity, and brand equity on luxury product consumption. The survey-based approach offers a comprehensive yet succinct overview of the existing literature and its implications, benefiting both luxury brand managers and future researchers.</p> Showkat Khalil Wani Copyright (c) 2025 The Author(s). Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. 2025-01-31 2025-01-31 26 1 17–27 17–27 10.3846/btp.2025.22197 The impact of internal and macroeconomic factors on the profitability of the banking sector. A case study of the Western Balkan countries <p>The banking sector in the Western Balkan countries has changed dramatically in recent years. A variety of factors have contributed to these changes, such as economic growth, increased competition, and the implementation of new regulations. As a result, the profitability of the banking sector varies greatly between countries. The purpose of this research is to look into the impact of internal and macroeconomic factors on the profitability of the banking sector in the Western Balkan countries. The research used 85 observations from unbalanced panel data from five countries from 2005 to 2021. Data were gathered from the International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook Database, which contains information on the trend and progress of banking in the Western Balkans. The variables used included macroeconomic variables, internal bank variables, and industry variables, with return on assets and return on equity used to measure bank profitability. Panel regression with pooled least squares, fixed effects, and random effects was used to analyze these variables. Internal factors such as bank Z-score, 3-bank asset concentration, bank net interest margin, bank overhead costs to total assets, bank credit to deposits, and bank capital to total assets have a positive impact on profitability, according to the findings. GDP and inflation, for example, have a mixed impact on profitability. The impact of industry factors such as liquid assets, deposits, and short-term funding, as well as bank Z-score, on profitability is mixed. The study’s findings have significant implications for policy experts and bank managers in Western Balkan countries. The findings can be used by policymakers to create policies that promote the profitability of the banking sector. The findings can be used by bank managers to improve their banks’ profitability by making strategic decisions about asset allocation, capital structure, and risk management.</p> Arsim Hoxha Roberta Bajrami Ylber Prekazi Copyright (c) 2025 The Author(s). Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. 2025-01-31 2025-01-31 26 1 28–47 28–47 10.3846/btp.2025.18670 Entrepreneurial determinants of Moroccan business failure: entrepreneurial behaviors and attitudes <p>The main objective of this article is to determine the entrepreneurial determinants of Moroccan business failures. To address our research problem, we employ multiple regression models. Entrepreneurial behaviors and attitudes are sourced from the dataset provided by Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). Additionally, we enhance our dataset by incorporating entrepreneurial variables from the World Bank entrepreneurship database and OMPIC. Applying variable selection techniques and models selection criteria, such as AIC and BIC, the main results indicate that the model composed of variables related to entrepreneurial behavior and attitudes variables, specifically fear of failure rate, perceived capabilities rate, and perceived opportunities rate, better explains bankruptcy rate. This empirical study represents the inaugural examination in Morocco employing entrepreneurial behaviors and attitudes variables to assess their impact on business failure. The findings from this article could open up new perspectives for identifying entrepreneurial variables that explain business failure in Morocco. To the best of our knowledge, our research is the first to explore this topic in this country.</p> Youssef Zizi Amine Jamali-Alaoui Badreddine El Goumi Copyright (c) 2025 The Author(s). Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. 2025-02-06 2025-02-06 26 1 48–61 48–61 10.3846/btp.2025.21505 Business resilience and strategic responses in Ukraine and Lithuania during the Russia-Ukraine conflict: insights from the energy, agriculture, and manufacturing sectors <p>This study examines the economic implications of Russia-Ukraine conflict has had on business operations in Ukraine and Lithuania. It seeks to examine how businesses have responded to the turmoil emanating from the conflict by breaking down disruptions in supply chains, regulatory adjustments as well as changes in market needs with specific reference to energy, agriculture and manufacturing sectors. The research will analyze secondary data from industry reports, financial disclosures and government sources. We chose this method so that we can evaluate what is presently there without the complexities and biases that come with collecting primary data using methods such as interviews. At the center of this dissertation lies unearthing patterns plus strategic insights that would inform businesses practices for similarly turbulent climates. Thus, it should be noted that the key thrust of this particular work is to extract strategies and tactical recommendations which could help keep firms resilient to geopolitical risks as well as exploit any arising advantages. The results are expected to be relevant for lawmakers, corporate executives, and economy planners thereby broadening their strategic frameworks on business operations within areas characterized by wars. This proposal is looking for funding support for comprehensive data analysis aimed at developing informed strategies that might considerably change sustainability and growth paths of enterprises both in Ukraine and Lithuania. Therefore, reliance on documented evidence alongside rigorous analysis of data will assist us in understanding how these economies operate in challenging contexts like these; providing essential knowledge required not only for theoretical debates but also suggesting ways towards enhancing economic resilience during times of geopolitical conflicts.</p> Mehmet Recai Uygur Bahman Peyravi Copyright (c) 2025 The Author(s). Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. 2025-02-21 2025-02-21 26 1 62–77 62–77 10.3846/btp.2025.22164