
Diversity is not inclusion: a four-dimensional approach to corporate creative-intensive ecosystems

    Fabio B. Josgrilberg   Affiliation
    ; Luciana Hashiba Affiliation


This paper aims at presenting a four-dimensional approach to studying and managing creative-intensive ecosystems, namely flows, spaces, temporalities, and processes. The study departs from a sociocultural approach and draws on the authors’ qualitative research on innovation management, historical facts, and related studies on creativity. The research corpus includes 11 semi-structured interviews (13 hours and 37 minutes) with innovation managers with experience in large companies in Brazil and interpreted with a framework analysis technique. The text concludes that the potential of corporate creative processes lies in their ability to manage communication flows, spaces, temporalities, and processes that allow for systemic differentiation between more conservative social arrangements. The dimensions are deductively implied from the results of the framework analysis.

Keyword : communication, creativity, innovation, management, space, time

How to Cite
Josgrilberg, F. B., & Hashiba, L. (2024). Diversity is not inclusion: a four-dimensional approach to corporate creative-intensive ecosystems. Creativity Studies, 17(2), 407–418.
Published in Issue
Aug 26, 2024
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