
Numerical investigation of the elastic-plastic linear hardening stress-strain state of the frame element cross-section

    Andrius Grigusevičius Affiliation
    ; Gediminas Blaževičius Affiliation


The aim of this paper is to present a solution algorithm for determining the frame element crosssection carrying capacity, defined by combined effect of bending moment and axial force. The distributions of stresses and strains inside a cross-section made of linearly hardening material are analysed. General nonlinear stress-strain dependencies are composed. All relations are formed for rectangular cross-section for all possible cases of combinations of axial force and bending moment. To this end, five different stress-strain states are investigated and four limit axial force values are defined in the present research. The nonlinear problem is solved in MATLAB mathematical software environment. Stress-strain states in the cross-sections are investigated in detail and graphically analysed for two numerical experiments.

Keyword : linear hardening, rectangular cross-section, combined effect of bending moment and axial force, stress-strain state, MATLAB implementation

How to Cite
Grigusevičius, A., & Blaževičius, G. (2016). Numerical investigation of the elastic-plastic linear hardening stress-strain state of the frame element cross-section. Engineering Structures and Technologies, 8(3), 94-100.
Published in Issue
Sep 21, 2016
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