
Planning construction execution in the engineering pre-construction system


The article analyzes an efficient method for planning the execution of construction work. Construction companies are looking for ways to reduce the essential factors in executing the construction work project, i.e. cost and time influencing the forthcoming company’s operating results are offered to perform engineering pre-construction activities. Engineering pre-construction is a set of technical, legal, economic, technological and organisational measures that shall ensure a consistent start of construction and a rhythmical organisation of major construction works employing optimum technology. Engineering pre-construction provides great potential for working out rational design solutions with respect to the execution of construction works applying a range of methods for assessing the aforesaid solutions. In this case, mathematical methods play the main role. Mathematical methods enable more effective tackling of the execution issues of construction works as well as developing rational design solutions with respect to the execution of construction works (Janušaitis, Juodis 2001; Juodis, Apanaviciene 2003; Viliuniene, Juodis 2002; Malinauskas, Kalibatas 2005; Viliūnienė, Viliūnas 2005; Viliuniene, Viliunas 2007; Žiogas, Juočiūnas 2005; Janusz, Kapliński 2006; Zavadskas et al. 2009; Šiškina et al. 2009; Medeliene, Ziogas 2010). Practical implementation of such solutions in the course of executing construction works would allow cutting down construction costs and construction time by 15–25% and 16–25% respectively (Viliūnienė, Viliūnas 2005). Besides, the rapid development of computer technology enables both faster preparation of rational design solutions to construction works through the application of mathematical methods and integration thereof into special software packages designed for construction management. Therefore, contractors should realise the significance of engineering pre-construction that is especially important to the execution of expensive large-scale projects. The process of construction execution should be improved applying the project management technique that helps to achieve the set goal within a limited time and with the optimum usage of limited resources. The objective of project management is to plan, organise and control project resources in order to implement the goals of the project. Hence, engineering pre-construction should be considered as an individual construction project stage acting as an engine for planning construction execution, organisation and control, thereby enabling a construction company to focus on profitable results. The article presents the methodology for preparing design solutions to the execution of construction work, which is adapted to handle the practical issues of engineering a pre-construction stage. The execution of complex earth works has been chosen as the subject matter of research.

Article in Lithuanian.

Statybos vykdymo planavimas inžinerinio pasirengimo statybai sistemoje

Santrauka. Straipsnyje analizuojamas efektyvus statybos darbų vykdymo planavimo būdas. Statybos įmonėms, ieškančioms būdų, kaip sumažinti esminius statybos darbų vykdymo projekto veiksnius: išlaidas ir laiką, nes nuo to priklauso tolesni įmonės veiklos rezultatai, straipsnio autorės siūlo atlikti inžinerinį pasirengimą statybai. Šio pasirengimo metu rengiami racionalių statybos darbų vykdymo projektiniai sprendimai įvertinimui taikant įvairius ekonominius matematinius optimizavimo metodus. Straipsnyje pateikta statybos darbų vykdymo projektinių sprendimų rengimo metodika, pritaikyta praktiniams uždaviniams spręsti inžinerinio pasirengimo statybai metu. Tyrimo objektu pasirinktas kompleksinis žemės darbų vykdymas.

Reikšminiai žodžiai: inžinerinis pasirengimas statybaistatybos darbų vykdymo planavimasmatematiniai metodaistatybos darbų vykdymo projektiniai sprendimaižemės darbai.

First Published Online: 16 May 2013

Keyword : engineering pre-construction stage, planning construction work, mathematical methods, designed decisions on construction works, earth works

How to Cite
Viliūnienė, O., & Inokaitytė, L. (2011). Planning construction execution in the engineering pre-construction system. Engineering Structures and Technologies, 3(3), 123-135.
Published in Issue
Sep 30, 2011
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