
Procyclical economic policy and risks on economic growth sustainability in Romania

    Daniel Tobă Affiliation
    ; Dalia Simion Affiliation
    ; Diana-Mihaela Țîrcă Affiliation


The current situation of the Romanian economy must be understood beginning from the analysis of the main measures of fiscal-budgetary policy applied over the last years by the public authority. In general, the Romanian fiscal policy (before and after accession) was procyclical. However, we continue by presenting some of its characteristics for the past years when we underwent the last ascending phase of the economic cycle. Actually, Romania’s GDP exceeded constantly the potential level, and the demand surplus became predominant, generating inflationary pressures. Maintaining the expansionist level of the fiscal policy, in the conditions of a positive deviation of GDP, as of 2017, and opting-out regarding the structural deficit target contributed to affecting the stability of public finances, on short- and medium-term. Romania entered into an extremely difficult economic context, generated by the pandemic, with an extremely narrow fiscal space which limited a lot the possibilities of combating the effects of the pandemic. In this paper we analyzed a period limited to the year 2020, because we consider this time as marking the end of an economic cycle in a period of peace and economic calm, as another is about to begin based on the new realities.

First published online 08 February 2024

Keyword : economic growth, inflation, budgetary deficit, trade balance, exchange rate

How to Cite
Tobă, D., Simion, D., & Țîrcă, D.-M. (2024). Procyclical economic policy and risks on economic growth sustainability in Romania. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 30(3), 562–577.
Published in Issue
May 22, 2024
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